Hi everyone! Another brilliant week has passed by here in Turmeaus Norfolk.
On Monday, it was Josh and I in the shop, we had plenty of online orders to pick! As a team we got through them as quickly as we could and then I got to work stocking up our walk-in humidors. I started in our Cuban humidor, despite the price, Cuban cigars are still incredibly popular. The amount of work that goes into making a Cuban cigar really does reflect in the price as the cigar tends to taste impeccable. Afterwards, I started to stock up our New World walk-in humidor. The amount of different brands you find from the New World is incredible and the fact they can pull so many flavours from different types of tobacco leaves really blows my mind. As much as the tradition lies with Cuban cigars, never turn down a New World cigar as a lot of the brands like My Father and Padron actually had their beginnings in Cuba! I ordered plenty of New World cigars to come in, ready to stock our shelves.
Tuesday was my marketing day. I started by deciding on what article to write for the C.Gars cigar library. I chose to write about five unique cigars, everyone loves a top 5 list and so I thought I’d make another one for unique cigars. I spent some time taking a picture of each of the cigars too, so with the banner that is 6 pictures in total. Unfortunately it wasn’t a smooth process and I wasn’t happy with some images so I had to go to retake them but I think they came out well in the end. What do you think? Click here to read the article.
Whilst I was writing my article, my assistance was needed in the shop. A customer had come in looking for a box of La Flor de Cano Selectos No. 3, the latest UK release. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a box so we started looking around for something else he may have been interested in. He chose a few singles, like the LCDH Punch Punch 48 and then asked if we had any aged cigars. Our Aged and Vintage cigars tend to be kept in our London stores for safe keeping, however we happened to have 4 singles of Cuaba Salomones from 2006. So he gladly took them and left happy. Late afternoon, I made a start on the shop newsletters. I had a lovely email sent from Roy, the manager of our Chester store. He had just come back from Nicaragua! He toured around many different factories whilst he was there and even got to create his own blend of cigars at Joya de Nicaragua! He wanted to put his whole journey in the newsletter but unfortunately there was too much! So I have asked him to give me some more detail so I can put it on the cigar library instead so you can all have a read. It sounded like the trip of a lifetime and I can’t wait to upload what he was written.
On Thursday, I was in the shop. The previous day Josh took care of the Cuban cigars, he checked for damages and de-ploomed them. So I decided to do the same with the Davidoff cigars. I de-ploomed and went one further by taking each cigar off the shelf and hoovering so any tobacco residue was gone and it really made a difference. I also served a lovely gentleman who had only just started smoking cigars. He said originally he just wanted cigar tubes to display in his man cave and so ordered some online, he wasn’t expecting cigars to come in them! Once he tried them he realised he really enjoyed them and wanted to explore more. I asked how much he wanted to spend and he said £10. I like to ask for a customers budget as I wouldn’t want to waste our time talking about £40 cigars if you only have £10 to spend, we always respect our customers and never try to get them to spend more than they really want to, however, after talking about the different cigars, many customers do spend more than their original budget, but we are always upfront and honest. Back to my customer, once he had said £10, I knew instantly that he needed to try the Mitchellero Robusto. A great smoke for anyone to try and it only costs £9.99! I did explain to the gentleman, the difference between the Mitchellero and the Mitchellero Peru, he then decided to try both to see if he could taste a difference. He left incredibly happy and said he would definitely be back. That always feels great as a Retail Assistant to know that you’ve made a customer happy and they will be back for more.
I was also asked by my manager to create an article promoting our new Ultra-Exclusive Cigar Club in Monaco, you can read it here.
On Friday, I spent the day picking orders, ready to be packed. In between our hourly order pickings, I spent time adding accessories onto the till system. We are trying to add each accessory that has a barcode onto the system so there is no time wasted trying to find prices. It also helps us research what is selling well and what isn’t. In the afternoon, Ciaran and I completed the Cuban cigar stock count.
On Saturday, it was the Tantalising Trio of Ciaran, Josh and myself. We went to work picking online orders, and then making up cigar samplers so they will be ready to be picked.
I hope you have enjoyed this weeks goings on and I hope to see you all in store very soon
So long for now