Avatar photo A Day in the Life of a Retail Assistant #78

Hi everyone, another week goes by in Norfolk, it really is the calm before the storm of Christmas, online orders are starting to build up more and in store customers keep mentioning Christmas too.

Monday went by in a flash! I was in the shop on my own for the morning. I had to do the incredible amount of pickings by myself!… However, it never was by myself, as a team we came together and decided what would be the best way to quickly and efficiently pick the orders. In the end it was decided that I would pick all of the cigars for the orders and then leave the accessories and extras for Lisa (our packing whizz) to pick for me! It worked a treat, we got the pickings done and then I helped out in packing to catch up with all the orders Lisa helped pick. Meanwhile in the shop, I had a lovely gentleman who wanted to try different pipe tobaccos, I suggested purchasing one of our pipe tobacco samplers. We had a look through together and he decided to try Billys sweet tooth tobacco sampler. It has a great mix of aromatic tobaccos as he decided he wants lots of different flavours. I was also excited to see the new C.Gars magazine become available! They are available for FREE in the shop with any purchase! Online customers will also receive them in the post with any order! It was a lot of hard work to get to this point but it does look incredible!

Tuesday was my marketing day, and I took A LOT of pictures! I started my day by writing an article about the new Partagas Linea Maestra range. There has been a lot of excitement about this range of Cuban cigars and they do look incredible! I took some brilliant pictures for this article too. You can read it here. Afterwards I concentrated on completing the shops newsletters, they do such a good job explaining what is going on in store and choosing some lovely products to promote. I do sometimes have to re-take some of their pictures as in Norfolk we have the marketing department, and so the other stores are not trained up like we are. This time around I had a few to do so I added them to my picture taking list. I also decided to take pictures of the cigars of the month, a very interesting choice for November, but you will all have to wait to find out.

On Thursday, I was back in the shop with Ciaran, we were incredibly busy in the shop! Plenty of customers purchasing cigars and enjoying our service. I served a group of three young gentlemen who have become a regular of mine. They always like trying new things that are quite similar to what they already know they like. They had recently enjoyed the Mitchellero Peru range as well as the Tabak Especial Oscuro Robusto. This time they went away with three different choices, the first one wanted to try Cuban cigars, so he had a Romeo y Julieta Mille Fleur and the Cuban quick puff as it is a great way to try Cuban tobacco before committing to a full cigar. The second gentleman asked for my recommendation and as always I suggested the Alec Bradley Orchant Seleccion as it is my favourite cigar range, so he had the Shorty as well as two Tabak Oscuro cigars. The last one had an old faithful in the Mitchellero Peru and then tried another recommendation of mine, the Plasencia Reserva Original Corona – A very nutty cigar in my opinion. 

On Friday, I was back in the shop with Ciaran, we worked on stocking up the pipe room as there has been a lot of orders for Peterson pipes at the moment and our shelf was looking a little bare, so together we stocked it up as well as organised the other shelves. I was needed in packing to help get a good chunk of the orders packed while they had a rather large alcohol order to pack. In the afternoon we completed the Cuban stock count.

On Saturday, It was just Porscha and myself. We worked through the online orders and then we started stocking the humidors and ordering more stock. Porscha also priced up some more whisky for the shop.

I hope you have enjoyed this weeks goings on and I hope to see you all very soon

So long for now


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