Hi everyone, another busy and joyous week here in Norfolk! Some of our regulars have come in numerous times enjoying the lovely weather with their cigars. Sharon was off on her holiday all week, so everyone has had the privilege of being served by myself.
Monday was a challenging day as I came in to a mountain of online orders to be picked! I didn’t think I would get it done but with the help of our amazing team, they helped me get them all picked with time to spare which was amazing and I certainly appreciated it. I also had a group of gentlemen who were relatively new to cigars and wanted to try something new, I suggested the Regius Serie Limitada as they tend to be sweeter than your average cigar. Whilst looking around the humidor they spotted the Alec Bradley Filthy Hooligan 2023 – being new to cigars they had never seen a barber pole cigar before so I explained about how the wrappers intertwine creating some incredible flavours that you don’t find in your typical cigar! They were interested but alas they tried the Regius this time but who knows – when they come back they may give it a go!
Tuesday was much calmer for me with online orders (thankfully). Still plenty of orders to pick but I was able to manage it. Also one of our regulars, Tony came in to treat himself to an after work cigar! He gave me his budget and said choose anything for him (always a favourite request of mine). I treated him to a Charter Oak Lonsdale as we have been doing a lot of training on the Foundation Cigars brand and it’s only fair that he gets to try them too! I can’t wait to see what he thinks as they are incredible cigars. I also created an article which was sent to me from Raluca who is the manager of out Liverpool store, you can read that here.
Thursday was another busy day with online orders, in the middle of my pickings Tony came in again! He has recently been trying the Rocky Patel portfolio and really enjoying all of them, he has said his favourite so far is the beautiful Sixty Robusto but this time he just purchased a Mitchellero Peru Robusto Extra as well as a Boveda pack which is something I had suggested to him to begin with. Boveda packs are so easy to use and are much better than using a humidification solution, I would really suggest it to anyone who has a humidor. I also started creating the leaflets for the August cigar subscription, this one is an incredible box filled with the perfect cigars for summer. Make sure you get yours here!
Friday began with a massive amount of online orders to be picked! I have noticed with the weather being nicer our customers are treating themselves to larger cigars and one of the most popular is the Charatan Churchill. A lovely light to medium cigar with notes of rich earthiness and subtle spice – great for a summer’s day. At around midday I had another set of my newly regular customers come in, both are discovering the world of cigars and can’t get enough! One of the gentlemen enjoyed the Alec Bradley Orchant seleccion so much that he keeps coming back for more! But he also wanted something a bit different so he went for the Regius Connecticut Corona which is a nice smooth cigar but with enough complexity to make it enjoyable. The other gentleman with him also treated himself to a Cigarism Jet Flame Lighter with a Punch cut. As you all know I can’t get enough of Cigarism products and our customers are getting there too.
On Saturday I had Courtney in the shop with me and Evie. Courtney is getting a lot better with our customers and getting to the point where I can trust her alone in the shop. Evie is still in training so I spent some time with her teaching her about New World cigars and the different flavour notes you get from different countries and regions. Evie has been tasked to create content for the C.Gars TikTok page so get over there when you can to see what she has created.
I hope you enjoyed this weeks goings on and I hope to see you all again soon.
So long for now