Dutch cigars are popular all over the world. Each year around 2 billion Dutch cigars are exported to over 100 countries. Therefore Dutch cigars are the most exported cigars in the world. World-wide the Dutch cigar industry is the second largest cigar manufacturer.
Flying Dutch cigars have been blended to produce a sweet tangy smoking experience with a touch of spice and a cool easy draw. Made exclusively for C.Gars Ltd and created by Mr Orchant these cigars are perfect for cigars smokers looking for a decent smoking experience at a very reasonable price.
Packaged in ‘slip in the pocket’ handy packs, we believe our range of Dutch cigars are the best quality and value available in the UK. Only available from C.Gars Ltd online and Turmeaus specialist cigar shops in London – Mayfair, Chester, Liverpool , Knutsford and Norfolk. Each cigar has a unique blend of Sumatra, Java and Brazil tobacco. The Flying Dutch range of cigars are smooth and satisfying.
Flying Dutch Wilde Senoritas Cigar
Comes in a handy pack and is perfect for them quick outdoor smokes at the pub. Really nice aroma to it and well balanced flavours. there was nuttiness and hints of coffee, for the price this cigar is definitely worth picking up a couple of packs.
Flying Dutch Corona Cigar
Amazing value for a tasty cigar. Subtle creamy coffee flavours a perfect mild to medium smoke. Really enjoyed it