I’m back over in our beautiful Knutsford store for the day again today, sitting in the sampling lounge, giving a Carlos Torano Exodus 1959 Robusto a thorough testing (which is a superb cigar for under a tenner, by the way,) trying to think of something a bit different to write about, to fit in with the change from my usual scene. I think after a few years of writing this blog, I’ve really covered a lot of everything we can offer to smokers. Then it hit me: What about the non-smokers??
I know this is a bit weird, considering we specialise in tobacco products and various smokers’ sundries, but some people don’t realise that we actually sell some stuff that non-smokers can enjoy too! So if you’d like to visit one of our fabulous retail stores or do a bit of online shopping, but happen to be with a non-smoker, here are a few things they might like to look at, while you’re salivating at our cigar and pipe tobacco selection!
That’s right… we sell clothes! Don’t believe me? Check out the link above! Now, I know a lot of the shirts there might not be the sort of thing people who don’t smoke would wear, unless they’re doing it ironically. Although, I guess the line breaks in the “I love Her – fin” one mean it could be used for anyone who really loves female dolphins… Wait, that came out wrong… Sorry.
Terrible jokes aside, there are a few on there that even non-smokers could appreciate. Even without the cigars, Che Guevara has had a huge impact on our culture and people’s political views. I was an early 2000s “alternative” teen and as a result, pretty much every other one of my friends owned that classic “Che” T-Shirt… you know the one (because what says non-conformism more than all owning the same shirt, right?!) So, I’m sure a shirt showing a picture of one of his iconic speeches would be a welcome gift for many people.
Also: After Cigars and Rum, the one thing people who have visited Cuba always comment on is the amount of classic American cars on the road (I’m not really into cars, but even I was impressed) so this shirt with a classic Cuban car on is sure to delight many an automobile aficionado!
Not content with just dressing yourself? Fear not; we can also help you dress your house! These super comfy cushions – each featuring a classic quote or image – adorn all of our sampling lounges and our guests always comment on how much they like them, so we made them available to purchase!
As with the shirts, many of these might not be suitable for non-smokers, but thanks to the variety of quotes available there are some that anyone could appreciate, because everyone loves a Churchill quote, right?
Favourites include:
“I drink a great deal, I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in 200% form” (available here)
“The water was not fit to drink. To make it palatable we had to add whisky. By diligent effort, I learned to like it” (available here)
There’s also a selection of cushions with whisky quotes, for the non-smoker who still enjoys a decent dram.
Gentlemen’s Shaving Accessories
I’ve mentioned these before, so I’ll keep it brief, but our range of classic shaving accessories always go down well! It seems these days, people are really taking gents’ grooming back to being a legit pastime, rather than a daily necessity. There’s just something about lathering up a traditional badger hair shaving brush with some classically scented shaving soap and taking the time to apply it, before going over it with a conventional safety razor that is sooooo satisfying and is totally unmatched by the more modern variants. Throw in some beautiful accessories, such as this gorgeous mahogany shaving bowl and you have an excellent range of options for smokers and non-smokers alike.
This may be one that’s suitable for non-smokers, but I get the feeling cigar smokers would appreciate it a little bit more. After all, what’s poker night without cigars?! Poker is one of my favourite hobbies so I’m glad we can offer a decent range of Casino quality sets, so you can stock up on chips at the same time you’re buying your cigars for enjoying during the game. The American Eagle set will make you want to chant “U – S – A! U – S – A!” as you play, while the Half Size set makes for a great value alternative, while maintaining top quality. Now all you need is the Cigars and the Scotch!
So, there’s the proof, we might be a tobacco retailer, but you don’t have to be a smoker to enjoy everything we sell!
Until next time: Put that in your pipe and smoke it!