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Avatar photo A Day in the Life of a Retail Assistant #82

Hi everyone! I hope you all have been staying safe in the snow and ice? We have had more ice than snow here in Norfolk, but we have still seen plenty of customers come through the door.

My week started on Tuesday! I enjoyed a lovely long weekend and came back to mountains of price changes! Unfortunately the budget hasn’t been too kind to us tobacconists and a lot of prices have risen but not by a lot which we are thankful for! Porscha and I worked through changing the prices on the till system as well as creating price tags for our shelves. We did receive some help from Ciaran and Sarah putting the price tags out but the overall price changes took us all day!

Wednesday was my regular day off and so I returned on Thursday, and it was my marketing day. Over my long weekend I had been asked to do a couple of tasks. One of which was uploading an article to the C.Gars cigar library about the exquisite Mash Tun distillery tour! I had been provided the text and images, so it was a case of editing pictures, cropping the size and uploading. You can read it by clicking here. I have been writing and uploading articles for almost five years now so these kind of tasks are very easy for me now. I also researched and wrote my own article about shaggy foot cigars, otherwise known as wilde cigars. I actually learned a lot writing this article, you can read it by clicking here. I spent some time taking pictures for it too.

I had recently had some feedback from our marketing manager about my content. Most of it was good, however he did say I need to improve on using different backgrounds and props to help enhance the products, so hopefully you will all be seeing the difference very soon! Later on that day I started creating the shop newsletters. Again it is brilliant seeing what they come up with and some of the very creative photography is incredible!

On Friday, I was back in the shop with Josh. We worked through our morning online order pickings and then we moved onto another task I was asked to take care of. Up until Christmas the Foragers, Ybet and El Rumbo spirits are a whopping £10 off! So I was asked to update the display to show as much of the range as possible as well as the poster. Make sure you come in store soon to take advantage of this brilliant offer. I also served a great young couple who had never come in before. All they were interested in was our shisha tobacco, however they were amazed by the shop and wanted a full tour! I happily showed them around and they made some more small purchases, which they wouldn’t have made without a proper look around. They left very happy and took a copy of the C.Gars magazine with them too! In the afternoon, Josh and I completed the Cuban Stock count.

On Saturday, I was with Porscha and Josh. I do enjoy my Saturday shifts as there isn’t as many online orders to pick and so I get to spend some more time with customers. We had a lovely gentleman come in who had been bought a pipe by his son, he wanted some light and fruity flavoured tobacco. We recommended American Blends as they are not too harsh and are full of flavour. He then started to ask about how to pack your pipe and if you need filters. I gave him my advice but if you are wondering about a similar question you can find out more by looking on the C.Gars cigar library. We have loads of hints and tips on there! Most of which I wrote myself. Later on in the day Josh, Porscha and I changed our displays as accessories had been incredibly popular recently, so we have started to run low.

I hope you enjoyed this weeks goings on in Norfolk and I hope to see you all very soon

So long for now


Avatar photo A Day in the Life of a Retail Assistant #81

Hi everyone, a slightly earlier blog this week as I am treating myself to a four day weekend.  We have been busy as ever with online orders and as well as our in store customers. 

On Monday, I was back in the shop with Sarah. We worked through all of our online orders, and there were loads!! In the meantime, I had a regular customer come in and treat himself to the Rocky Patel Orchant Seleccion sampler, as well as the Aladino Cameroon Robusto. He also purchased an in store raffle ticket for our Christmas raffle prize, A £100 in store voucher! You have to be in it to win it!

Tuesday was my marketing day. I started by researching and writing an article for the C.Gars cigar library, it was about the health benefits of whisky, which you can read here. I also spent some time taking the pictures. Afterwards I created two shop newsletters, they are both brilliant and are ready for Christmas. In the afternoon, I took some more pictures – Firstly were the cigars of the month for December, which are two incredible picks! Afterwards I took a Christmassy picture for the other monitor in our humidor, showcasing a few items you could purchase as gifts, ready for Christmas! Let me know what you think?

On Wednesday, we welcomed back a friendly face. For those of you who have been visiting Norfolk will be pleased to see Sharon back! She is working one day a week, just to get herself back into it. I showed her how to update pricing on the till system, and she even served a customer! It was brilliant. I also served a gentleman who I served a while ago and even sold him his first proper cigar. He came back for more Tabaks and another recommendation, he loved the Regius Serie Limitada but wanted to try something new. In the end he decided on the Casa Turrent 1880 Maduro Robusto, he then saw the tubed Kristoffs and decided to try the Sumatra as he loved the tube! He purchased five raffle tickets and left very happy. I do enjoy serving him.

On Thursday, I was counting the New World stock with humidor manager Billy. We stopped in between for our bi weekly marketing meeting. We talked about all the great feedback we had for the C.Gars magazine, as well as the future. We also discussed a new loyalty points scheme we have set up called C.Gars Plus! You need to sign up but you will see some incredible benefits for signing up. Log in to your account and you will see it!

I hope you have enjoyed this weeks goings on and I will see you all after my long weekend.

So long for now.


Avatar photo A Day in the Life of a Retail Assistant #80

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well, this will be a slightly shorter blog as I treated myself to an extra day off to relax but that doesn’t mean the Norfolk shop slows down, we have still been as busy as ever!

On Monday, I wasn’t in the shop at all! As always I help out where I am needed and this Monday I was needed in the packing department! I spend a lot of my Mondays helping out in packing, but this time I spent all day packing the many orders we had throughout the day. It really was a throwback to when I first started five years ago!

I had the following two days off, so I was back in the shop on Thursday, however I had to make it my marketing day too. Luckily, Sarah was alongside me and she was serving all of our lovely customers. I concentrated on writing an article for the C.Gars cigar library, it was about the difference between short filler & long filler tobacco in cigars, which you can read about here. I also spent some time taking the pictures, which included cutting open two cigars! It felt like I was breaking the law as I cut these two cigars in half but it was for research purposes so that made me feel slightly better. I then showed the rest of the team, so they can physically see and feel the inside of the cigars, and also see the difference between short and long filler for themselves. Afterwards I created a shop newsletter for Norfolk to promote what Black Friday deals we will have in store. One sampler we have on special offer for the whole of November is the CGars Exclusives Sampler. You get six incredible exclusive cigars for £59.99 which works out at less than £10 a cigar! You can get this terrific sampler in store as well as online! I am finalising our deals for the week of Black Friday but I can tell you on the actual day you will certainly want to visit! 











I also served three gentlemen that wanted to get their manager a bottle of whisky as a leaving present. They mentioned he liked peated whisky so I suggested Laphroiag Lore, as I was discussing flavour notes I suddenly remembered, with a bottle of Laphroiag Lore, you can claim a piece of land in Scotland! As soon as I mentioned that they bought it immediately as they knew he would love that. They also purchased a Romeo y Julieta No. 2 to accompany, and then treated themselves to our in store Christmas raffle where they could win a £100 voucher to spend in store.

On Friday, I was back in the shop with Sarah. Once I had completed my morning online order pickings, I spent some time fully stocking our Cuban and New World humidors. I served a group of lovely ladies who wanted to get a bottle of our award winning Stalla Dhu Whisky, of course I said “Which one?” as many of the Stalla Dhu range have won multiple awards. They decided on a bottle of Saorsa (which had won four awards) and left very happy. In the afternoon, Josh and I completed the Cuban stock count.

On Saturday, Porscha returned after another week off! I was happy to see her and even more so as she came in with a lovely coffee for me! (Much needed after the terrible night sleep I had). We worked through stocking up the cigarillos as well as re-arranging the Cuban humidor. 

I hope you have enjoyed this weeks goings on and I hope to see you all in store soon

So long for now


Avatar photo A Day in the Life of a Retail Assistant #79

Hi Everyone! It’s been another busy week here in Norfolk, I have been very shop based, which hasn’t happened for a while.

On Monday, I was in the shop with Sarah, she rarely works in the shop on a Monday, but she did very well not to panic over her mountains of pickings. Afterwards I helped out the packing department to pack as many orders as possible! I served a group of young gentlemen, who I had served last year! They spent plenty of time talking about our incredible cigar selection. In the end they had a great selection between themselves and left very happy.

Tuesday was my marketing day. I worked hard to make sure all of the shop newsletters were ready to go out on Friday. I also wrote an article for the C.Gars cigar library about five cigars to enjoy over Halloween, I thought it would be the perfect time as Halloween was in two days. You can read it by clicking here, I also spent a lot of time taking pictures for it.

On Wednesday, I was back in the shop with Ciaran, we have started an in store only Christmas raffle. Tickets are £1 and you can potentially win a £100 voucher to spend in store! You must come into the Norfolk shop to enter. Ciaran and I have been selling plenty of tickets to our hopeful customers so you need to be in it to win it! After my pickings, I stocked up the pipe room. A lot of online customers have been taking advantage of our pipe sale and it really shows as the pipe displays need updating a few times a week at the moment. 

On Thursday, It was Halloween! A great time of the year! I had the new world stock count to take care of with humidor manager Billy. In between we also had our bi-weekly marketing meeting. We discussed our Black Friday deals online and in store and boy do we have some great deals! Make sure you sign up to our newsletter to see what great bargains you can get. The week of Black Friday we are giving away a little gift each day to every customer that spends over £20 and this will culminate to Black Friday itself when we are doing a brilliant deal! After the New World stock count, I served a great customer who had travelled from Peterborough, he spent plenty of time looking around our humidor mainly for large cigars. I recommended a few that include the Mitchellero Peru Toro and the Rocky Patel Seed to Smoke Classic Toro.

On Friday, I was back in the shop with Ciaran, I took down all of the Halloween decorations, ready for the Christmas decorations to go up! I know it’s a bit early but it is the most wonderful time of the year! I also served a gentleman from where I came from… Birmingham!! He came on holiday and wanted some pipe tobacco that was similar to the Wilsons of Sharrow Inspiration. I asked Ben who specialises in pipe tobacco and he suggested the American Blends CC blend, which the customer loved, he then had a Liam’s mystery pouch, where you get a lovely leather puch with 25g of pipe tobacco inside. The customer left very happy and I always enjoy having someone from my homeland come in. In the afternoon, Ciaran and I completed the Cuban stock count.

I hope you have enjoyed this weeks goings on and I hope to see you all in Norfolk very soon

So long for now


Avatar photo A Day in the Life of a Retail Assistant #78

Hi everyone, another week goes by in Norfolk, it really is the calm before the storm of Christmas, online orders are starting to build up more and in store customers keep mentioning Christmas too.

Monday went by in a flash! I was in the shop on my own for the morning. I had to do the incredible amount of pickings by myself!… However, it never was by myself, as a team we came together and decided what would be the best way to quickly and efficiently pick the orders. In the end it was decided that I would pick all of the cigars for the orders and then leave the accessories and extras for Lisa (our packing whizz) to pick for me! It worked a treat, we got the pickings done and then I helped out in packing to catch up with all the orders Lisa helped pick. Meanwhile in the shop, I had a lovely gentleman who wanted to try different pipe tobaccos, I suggested purchasing one of our pipe tobacco samplers. We had a look through together and he decided to try Billys sweet tooth tobacco sampler. It has a great mix of aromatic tobaccos as he decided he wants lots of different flavours. I was also excited to see the new C.Gars magazine become available! They are available for FREE in the shop with any purchase! Online customers will also receive them in the post with any order! It was a lot of hard work to get to this point but it does look incredible!

Tuesday was my marketing day, and I took A LOT of pictures! I started my day by writing an article about the new Partagas Linea Maestra range. There has been a lot of excitement about this range of Cuban cigars and they do look incredible! I took some brilliant pictures for this article too. You can read it here. Afterwards I concentrated on completing the shops newsletters, they do such a good job explaining what is going on in store and choosing some lovely products to promote. I do sometimes have to re-take some of their pictures as in Norfolk we have the marketing department, and so the other stores are not trained up like we are. This time around I had a few to do so I added them to my picture taking list. I also decided to take pictures of the cigars of the month, a very interesting choice for November, but you will all have to wait to find out.

On Thursday, I was back in the shop with Ciaran, we were incredibly busy in the shop! Plenty of customers purchasing cigars and enjoying our service. I served a group of three young gentlemen who have become a regular of mine. They always like trying new things that are quite similar to what they already know they like. They had recently enjoyed the Mitchellero Peru range as well as the Tabak Especial Oscuro Robusto. This time they went away with three different choices, the first one wanted to try Cuban cigars, so he had a Romeo y Julieta Mille Fleur and the Cuban quick puff as it is a great way to try Cuban tobacco before committing to a full cigar. The second gentleman asked for my recommendation and as always I suggested the Alec Bradley Orchant Seleccion as it is my favourite cigar range, so he had the Shorty as well as two Tabak Oscuro cigars. The last one had an old faithful in the Mitchellero Peru and then tried another recommendation of mine, the Plasencia Reserva Original Corona – A very nutty cigar in my opinion. 

On Friday, I was back in the shop with Ciaran, we worked on stocking up the pipe room as there has been a lot of orders for Peterson pipes at the moment and our shelf was looking a little bare, so together we stocked it up as well as organised the other shelves. I was needed in packing to help get a good chunk of the orders packed while they had a rather large alcohol order to pack. In the afternoon we completed the Cuban stock count.

On Saturday, It was just Porscha and myself. We worked through the online orders and then we started stocking the humidors and ordering more stock. Porscha also priced up some more whisky for the shop.

I hope you have enjoyed this weeks goings on and I hope to see you all very soon

So long for now


Avatar photo Monte-Carlo SBM and Dominique London to open an ultra-exclusive cigar club

Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer and Belgian businesswoman Dominique Gyselinck will inaugurate the Monte-Carlo Cigar Club next spring.

“It’s a new concept that has never been done outside the United Kingdom,” explains Dominique Gyselinck. The businesswoman, who runs twenty-six cigar and spirits boutiques across Europe with her Dominique London group, announced to L’Amateur the upcoming opening of a private club in partnership with Monte-Carlo Société des bains de mer (SBM), one of the main players in the gaming sector in Europe and the leader in luxury tourism in the Principality of Monaco since 1863.

Located on the first floor of the Monte-Carlo casino, the club will be inaugurated in spring 2025.

Named the Monte-Carlo Cigar Club (MCCC), the establishment will be accessible only to members. It will have an indoor and outdoor area of ​​just over 200 m2 in which there will be a smoking room, a bar and a walk-in humidor, as well as a terrace facing the sea.

Recruitment of members has already begun. Dominique Gyselinck does not wish to disclose the first names or the amount of the annual subscription, but she confides that “it will be an ultra-exclusive club, the most exclusive in the world: artists, sportsmen, crowned heads, businessmen…”. Applicants will have to be sponsored by two members in order to become members in turn.

The interior design was entrusted to the Parisian firm Moinard-Bétaille, which worked in collaboration with the Italian firm DeArt for the humidor.

Original Article –

Avatar photo A Day in the Life of a Retail Assistant #77

Hi everyone, another busy week passes us by here in Norfolk, plenty of customers popping in as well as other activities going on.

On Monday, I was in the shop with Josh, with an incredible amount of pickings to do. We worked together to get through the pickings as quickly as we could. After helping the packing department for a short while, I stocked up all of the cigar shelves in both of our humidors. During the day, I served plenty of customers, one of which was a younger gentleman, who doesn’t smoke regularly but wanted a cigar for his holiday. He only had £10 to spend, so instantly the Mitchellero range comes to mind, I suggested the Peru Gordo as that is £9.99 and is a very good cigar especially for the price. He left happy and went on with his day.

Tuesday was my marketing day. Firstly, I wrote an article for the C.Gars cigar library, it is all about Curivari cigars – you can read it here. I spent plenty of time taking the pictures, and I even had to do a re-shoot as one of the pictures didn’t come out the way I wanted. It is very annoying when that happens but it is part of the job and you always bounce back and the new picture is much better! Afterwards I started creating the shop newsletters for all of our other stores around the UK, it is always a treat to see what they have going on in their stores, each one is so unique that you wouldn’t be bored going to each one! You could do the “Tour de Turmeaus” if you wanted.

On Wednesday, I was back in the shop with Josh. I had my regular gentleman who comes in every couple of months. He always buys around 300 grams of different pipe tobaccos, which keeps him going until his next visit. This time he bought Century R & M blend, American Blends Delite and American Blends BC. As always we had a lovely chat and he always leaves happy. Later on in the day, Jerry from Stone Marketing (who provides ST Dupont products) visited to do some training all about the ST Dupont range. I let Josh go to the training session so he could gain all of the information and let the rest of us know what he learned. So now if you have any questions about ST Dupont don’t hesitate to ask us!

On Thursday, I was counting the New World humidor with humidor manager Billy. In between counting we also had our bi-weekly marketing meeting. We were discussing plans for Black Friday and I can tell you now, look out across all of our social media platforms as there will be some amazing deals to take advantage of. An ongoing deal we have at the moment is The Big Plasencia Sampler – this sampler contains four cigars including a limited edition that you can’t currently buy on our website without purchasing the sampler, the great part is, if you purchase this sampler, you also get the chance to win the incredible Plasencia Alma del Fuego Limited Edition Ometepe Humidor! (Cigars not included), make sure you enter now!

On Friday, I was in the packing department with Porscha. We had plenty of orders to pick and pack. I also got to see our regular customer Tony, he wanted to purchase the New World and Cuban subscription and the Sip ‘n’ Smoke podcast subscription. Instead of always staying subscribed he just comes into our shop and purchases when he wants to. This is only available in the Norfolk store as we hold all of the subscription stock here. Later on in the afternoon, I had to cover the shop as Josh was counting the Cuban humidor with Billy.

I hope you have enjoyed this weeks goings on and I hope to see you all in store soon.

So long for now


Avatar photo A Day in the Life of a Retail Assistant #76

Hi everyone, it has been another busy week here in Norfolk, as always I have been doing a good variety of roles which has been fun!

On Monday, I was in the shop with Josh, we had the usual mountain of online orders to pick. I was also happy to see Porscha had returned from her holiday, she had been away for over 2 weeks and she came back with plenty of energy! The orders did take us a very long time to pick but we always get there in the end and somehow every order gets sent at the end of the day. Afterwards I went around the Cuban and New World humidors and stocked up as much as I could as well as ordered some more stock to come later in the week. 

Tuesday was my marketing day, I spent some time writing an article for the C.Gars Cigar Library, it was about bleeding your lighter. Did you know that a common issue with lighters is the gas chamber can fill up with oxygen causing a blockage? You can read more by clicking here. I also took some time to take some pictures, with the help of my new hand model Porscha. In the afternoon, I updated a very outdated article we had on our website from August 2017 (two years before I started). It is all of the Cuban editions of Orchant Seleccions. This was very difficult as I had to go through our archives to find images for each of them. Looking at the pictures in the past, I can see where as a company we have improved massively! As well as technology being much more advanced too. 

On Thursday, I was back in the shop with Josh. We picked plenty of orders and served some lovely customers. One gentleman wanted to get a gift for his friend who loves Cohiba, he has a slim budget but we were able to find the Siglo II, which he was happy with and then bought two Inka Secret Blend Blue Petit Corona for himself to enjoy. In between serving customers, I had to shuffle around our pipe room, we are preparing for a lot more Vauen pipes to be with us very soon, so we had to make space in our very full pipe room. I then created tags for all of our new pipes we put out, they are more time consuming than the old way of manually writing it, but they do look much better.

On Friday, I was helping out in the packing department. I picked orders, and helped pack them. It was actually quite an enjoyable experience, as usually I am juggling a few jobs throughout the day, however this time I had nothing to worry about other than pack orders, it was also quite nice to socialise with other workers who I don’t usually get to spend time with.

On Saturday, it was Josh, Porscha and myself, looking after the shop. We picked orders and stocked shelves, we also served four customers within the first half an hour of opening! It seemed like everyone was out early to get their cigars and tobacco. I served a regular customer (I should have asked if he would be ok with me naming him) who was bringing in a lovely gentleman who was getting married. We spoke for a long time all about different cigars, our events and who knows what but it is always lovely to spend time with any cigar smoker as you always have a lovely chat about something we all enjoy. In the end the gentleman went away with seven Regius Serie Limitada Petit Royales and an Alec Bradley Orchant Seleccion Skinny, which is one of my favourites!

I hope you enjoyed this week’s goings and I hope to see you all in Norfolk very soon!

So long for now


Avatar photo A Day in the Life of a Retail Assistant #75

Hello everyone! A slightly shorter blog today as I enjoyed Monday and Tuesday off travelling around Norwich, a beautiful city if you ever get a chance to visit!

My work week began on Wednesday, I was back in the shop with Josh and I was amazed at how the rest of the staff had decorated the shop for Halloween! It is the best I have ever seen!. I had an interesting day to say the least, we often get customers coming in not knowing what they want but their partner has sent them in to get some cigars. The lovely lady came in, was told to get a few cigars as a present for a friend but didn’t have a clue what to get. So I had to recommend cigars that are good for anyone, beginner or experienced. The first thing that came to my mind was the Mitchellero Peru range, slightly sweeter and a great smoke for the price! The lady wanted one more so I suggested the Plasencia Reserva Original Robusto, a favourite of mine and is very easy to smoke and full of flavour. She bought a couple of our C.Gars event lighters too and left very happy. Later on I had another Lady come in for her husband with no idea what to get, however she did say he was an experienced smoker so I suggested the Plasencia Orchant Seleccion Orchante, as the charred oak flavour you get is second to none! I also suggested the Tabernacle David, one of the best made cigars you can get and full of flavour too! Another customer left very happy.

On Thursday it was my bi-weekly stock count with humidor manager Billy, however to spice up our day we also had our marketing meeting on the same day! So we powered through a quarter of our stock and then went for our meeting. We discussed plenty about ongoing marketing and what we could be doing better. We were also treated to a few gifts from Mitchell as a well done for creating the C.Gars magazine to a brilliant standard. After our meeting, Billy and I continued with the stock count. We finished quite late in the afternoon but I did have time to create the New World Cigar Subscription. It has another 5 great cigars and a bargain price!

On Friday, I was back in the shop with Josh, I worked through our alcohol pricing and updated the labels to make them much clearer. In the afternoon we completed the Cuban stock count, which I think we both know like the back of our hands.

I hope you enjoyed this shortened blog but don’t you worry, It will be back to normal next week!

So long for now


Avatar photo A Day in the Life of a Retail Assistant #74

Hi everyone! You can certainly tell that Summer is over! The weather has been horrible but that hasn’t stopped our loyal customers from coming in to see us and buy their lovely smokes.

On Monday, I was luckily in the parcel booking on department – I say luckily due to hurting my ankle over the weekend prior and I was struggling to walk! So I would have been unable to pick any online orders. So I booked on as many parcels as I could and even helped the packing department, making sure I was standing on my good leg. 

Another exciting development is that you will all be seeing a lot more of Sarah soon. Due to my marketing commitments and being needed in other departments, it is difficult to run the shop too, so from now on Sarah will be taking responsibility for the shop! Although it isn’t a managerial position, as we have never had a shop manager, she is the second most experienced behind myself. It will be interesting to see what happens as it is her first responsibility since starting with us over two years ago.

On Tuesday, I was working in the shop with Sarah. As I didn’t have a marketing day planned, I completed my marketing content in the shop. Sarah was sorting out the pipes in the pipe room, so I was pretty much on my own all day. I wrote an article for the C.Gars Cigar Library about Boost packs which we absolutely love! They make maintaining a humidor much easier! You can read more about it here. I also finalised all of the shop newsletters, ready to be sent out on the 1st of October, which is also national coffee day! I spent some time creating new monitor pictures for the humidor, advertising the cigars of the month, as well as attempting to create a poster for the shop. I was working with our marketing manager trying to get it right, I sent over a few attempts and unfortunately, none of them reached the extremely high standards we have. But I never let criticism stop me! You must always learn from your mistakes and use them to improve yourself! I also served three great people who remember me from their last visit two years ago! Admittedly, I didn’t remember them to begin with but then they reminded me of what they bought and I remembered! They really appreciated the service they had last time and were happy to see me. I showed them through our humidors and we spoke about plenty of cigars until they found the ones they wanted. I hope they enjoyed their visit as much this time as they did two years ago.

On Thursday, It was our quarterly, full building stock count. For me this is more of the same, I always count cigars with a team. This time it was Josh, Ciaran and Sarah, so we split into two teams, Josh and Ciaran counted the Cuban room and Sarah and I counted the New World room. As always it took us all day but we always complete it in the end!

On Friday, I was needed in the Packing department. My packing skills are just as good as they ever were but luckily I did have Lisa, who is a Packing whizz, to look after me… Just in case. We were having a great time packing together as we rarely spend a whole day together in the same department. We also had the Cigar Subscriptions to be sent out too, so I left Lisa in the afternoon to help book on the parcels. It really shows how multi trained I am across multiple departments. We all know the saying, Jack of all trades, master of all?… I’m sure that’s what it is! We have an ongoing joke that I need to bring a cape, as I’m a superhero always saving the day.

On Saturday, It was Josh, Ciaran and I working together. We picked our orders and then started to organise the shop. We have changed our table displays ready for Halloween! We also have a great Halloween competition at the moment. If you purchase anything from our main display table, you get to have a go on our trick or treat! There are some great treats up for grabs as well as some evil tricks! I have also scattered some sweets around the shop so come on in and treat yourself!

I hope you have enjoyed this weeks goings on and I hope to see you all in store very soon!

So long for now
